My Little Picasso's

My Little Picasso's

Monday, May 14, 2012

Is your hair your "thing?"

I have some friends that invest a lot of money into their hair.  And I am talking about more than just a 6 week trim for fifty bucks?  I am talking products, appointments, coloring, herbal therapies, etc. etc. etc.

I can say I am not one of those.  My $2.49 Wegman's brand shampoo and conditioner is just fine, thank you very much.

In middle school or high school I had very short hair which any of my high school friends who read this might remember.  I was boyish looking.  I was mistaken for a boy on a number of occasions.  I'm over it.  As I entered college I decided to become more girlish and began to grow my hair.  I got trims but it stayed longer.

When I was pregnant with Charlie and Max was napping once I came across a documentary for "Locks of Love."  I was so completely moved by the program, its donors, and especially its recipients that I decided it would be my style from now on.  I will just continuously grow my hair to cut for "Locks of Love.

And I just had my first cut!




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