My Little Picasso's

My Little Picasso's

Friday, June 8, 2012

An almost ER visit.

Almost ... meaning it did not happen but I convinced myself it was going to.

As my boys were playing today (since they weren't napping ... ahem) somehow my Charlie cut his finger.  I did not know it was his finger until I wiped off all the blood from his legs and arms (S^%T).  I had no idea where it was coming from, but I can say in my somewhat first-aid trained way it was gushing.  I could not get the blood to stop.  I know, cold wash cloth, apply pressure, blah blah blah.  Not working people.  He is screaming meanwhile probably because I keep pulling and pushing at him to first figure out where he was hurt and second of all to get the blood to stop gushing.

Doctor ... busy signal.  Figures.

(wipe away blood from his fingers and hands ... apply more pressure ... screaming persists)

Doctor ... busy signal.  (Double S&$T)

Doctor ... hello ...

Within 2 minutes I am hanging up and getting him into his car seat.  Drenched washcloth.  Poopy diaper.  Doddling Max.  Curious dog.  Where are my f$^%&*(flip flops).  OMG, I'll have to go to the ER if the blood doesn't stop.  Do I have his insurance card?  Should I call Michael now or later?

Scream scream.

On our way ... giggle from the back seat.


Get to the doctor's office.  Ok, you little punk.  You're fine.

Call doctor's office back ... blah blah blah.

On our way home again.

Yep, I was that mum.

June 8th, 2012

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