My Little Picasso's

My Little Picasso's

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What is a teacher?

A teacher is the one who listens to the “strange” boy talk about his fascination with dragons or guns and not judge.  He listens intently to the very animated child and might not understand what he is speaking of, but he listens.

A teacher is the one who listens to the 7th grade girl complain about her over protective mother and how she wishes she could wear what clothes she wants.  She calmly tells the child that her mother is just being a good mom and taking care of her.  She watches the teenager roll her eyes and inside cries because she worries about what trouble that girl could get into one day.

A teacher sits next to the small boy, even though his clothes and he smells.  She wonders of the last time he bathed or his clothes were washed for him, but he can’t add two digit numbers so she sits by his side and helps him.

A teacher will call home even though she gets a message machine over and over again trying to get through to the parent of the child who has been missing from school for days at a time without any reason.

A teacher will take her lunch time to call home and speak to the parent of a gifted child who again has done brilliantly on a class project.  She wants to recognize the hard work each child has done even though it is expected and understood from them.  She makes phone calls for the “good” kids as well.

A teacher believes there are no bad students, just challenging ones.

A teacher stands in the cafeteria and watches certain children waste food, throwing away what they don’t eat while others have been given a free lunch and ask for people’s extras because they know there is nothing at home.  He thinks of his own lunch in his classroom and knows he could go with less.  He looks at the students who do not have that choice.

A teacher pulls apart two girls bigger than herself while they try to rip out each other’s hair for no better reason than one supposedly said something about the other.  Even though she might get hurt. she doesn't want them to hurt each other.

A teacher puts extra pencils and notebooks in her cart at the back-to-school sales because she knows there will always be someone who needs them.

A teacher gets angry.  He gets angry when a child has such potential and wastes it.  He looks at the children who want nothing more than to be able to “get it” but they do not have that gift. 

A teacher wipes the nose of the little kindergartner who fell on the playground and everyone laughed at him.  She cleans him up and lets him sit in her room while recess finishes.  He’s too embarrassed to go back outside.

A teacher will question why those students who cannot sit still must sit still through hours of state testing.  She knows a better way of assessing this child’s knowledge, but she must do what the state says.  And have a positive attitude about it. 

A teacher will stay up late grading papers and projects, writing comments and giving suggestions.

A teacher will step in front of the intruder to protect her students or his students.

A teacher will accommodate for a child’s needs so that child can be successful in the way he or she needs to be successful.

A teacher will be patient and remind himself that the student is only 9 or 13 or 17.

A teacher will be a mom or dad if the need is there.

A teacher will put a child against a wall and put him or her in their place if need be.

A teacher educates every student to her best ability and if someone or something impedes that process of learning, she will make it go away.
A teacher often comes to work when it is still dark outside.
A teacher goes to graduation and hugs the student who called her names, wrote bad things on the internet about her, lied to her face, and disrespected her.  She whispers in her ear, “I am so proud of you.  I knew you could do it.”
A teacher thanks the parents for their support.
A teacher doesn’t get exasperated with a learning support student.  He doesn’t tell the student to “try harder” he simply says “try again.”  The student is already trying hard.
A teacher can never leave their work at the office.
A teacher’s day does not end when the busses pull out.
A teacher is a gift.

May 7th, 2013

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